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What’s Normal?

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Gahhhhhhhhhhh!! 2018 is right around the corner…how is it possible that another year has passed? For me, 2017 may just be the fastest year yet…I feel like I can still remember what I had for dinner this time last year.… Read More »What’s Normal?

Just Keep Swimming

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If you’ve ever Googled “Alternative treatment for ___” or “Natural treatment for ___” then this blog post is important for you to read. You are very likely googling for other options on how to treat something because you either –… Read More »Just Keep Swimming

Ain’t no Sunshine

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EEEEeeeeeeekkkkkkk….it’s raining out there. And we just ate a bunch of food we don’t normally eat (at least in those portions). We just had 3 days of no routine (I, for one, have no idea what day it is today).… Read More »Ain’t no Sunshine