Call us
Phone: 519-941-3100
Fax: 519-941-3103
Our Clinic location is:
633206 Hwy 10, Mono, ON L9W 5P7
(right in the north-east corner of Orangeville)
Mailing address is:
PO Box 21018
Orangeville Mall PO
Orangeville ON
L9W 4S7

From the south: Head north along Hwy 10 through Orangeville, it’s the first driveway on your left-hand side, just past the lights at First Street.
From the north: Head south on Hwy 10, exit to the right onto a driveway 100ms past Volkswagen at Collective Health Clinic sign, 633206 off Hwy 10. If you hit first street you’ve gone too far.